Major incident Workshop


Understanding The Legal Implications and Consequences of a major incident

9:30am | DiSH Manchester, Heron House, 47 Lloyd St, Manchester M2 5LE

You have a major incident plan… but do you really know the legal consequences of a major incident? Want to know how your company can mitigate the legal risks of an incident? Want to know what to do to limit your exposure and liability? Want to know how to deal with the ICO?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, this workshop is for you!

What to expect

In this two hour workshop John and Emma Green from CD Lawyers will give real life examples of incidents, the legal implications the incidents caused, and how they helped clients to mitigate or eliminate those risks.

Following the talk there will be a spontaneous panel where real life incidents will be recalled and how they could have been mitigated with the help from John and Emma.

Finally, John will be in the hotseat! Ask him anything, free legal advice… what’s not to love!?

All this will be followed by a complementary lunch at 12pm for networking and more questions

This event is for senior members of a company – CEO’s, CISO’s, company directors and DPO’s.


Amy Newton Headshot

Amy Newton

Festival Director

Emma Green

Managing Partner
CD Lawyers

John Green

Senior Solicitor
CD Lawyers


9:30am – Registration

10:10am – Take seats

10:10am – Welcome Remarks

10:45am – Break

10:55am – Panel Presentation

11:30am – Q&A

12pm – Lunch & Networking

1pm – Event Close

Purchase your pass

This event is part of MTF’s fringe events and is free to attend. Tickets include admission to the event and a complimentary lunch. 

To secure your place and to purchase other festival tickets visit our ticket page below:


CD Lawyers are a specialist law firm who advise on cyber-attacks, data protection matters and commercial law.

John Green is the senior partner at CD Lawyers and Emma Green the Managing partner, come and meet them to find out more

I’ve never seen a conference with such a high level of visible diversity and inclusion, and I’ve never seem so many delegates that were positively BUZZING from all of the inspirational talks and stories. What a brilliant, brilliant day.

Thank you to all the organisers, I can’t wait for next year!
Paul O'Donnell
So many ‘WIT’ events focus on how women need to lean in. They are all focused on how women need to change. My biggest takeaway from today is that we need to talk more about changing the system. Not about changing women in under-represented groups. Honestly the best conference I’ve been to for a long time.
Holly Donohue
The unfiltered requirement did not miss. Each speaker brought their authentic selves to that stage and very moving stories. Thank you all for your honesty and openness. Thank you for the most inclusive agenda I’ve seen.

You understood that representation would matter, and rose to the challenge!
Natalie Navickas
Emma Green



Managing Partner of CD Lawyers.

Emma oversees driving improvements and the implementation of data protection, cyber security and AI global programs for clients and organisations.

Emma has over 25 years’ experience in IT, technical architect, an award-winning technical trainer, speaker & co-author of an IBM Redbook. She has a Post Graduate Certificate in Data Protection Law and Information Governance and is currently training as a solicitor.