Pathways into

Across the year MTF works with some of Manchester's Biggest Tech Companies.

Feedback tells us that due to fast-developing technologies and ever-changing skills requirements, it is hard to create formalised pathways into tech for children and many employers prefer tech professionals from a range of background with different experiences.

At MTF, we are passionate about inspiring the next generation and want to make it as easy as possible for children to enter a career in tech. That’s why we run an Inspirational Tech Speakers programme, connecting professionals with schools, colleges and local communities to inspire and share their own experience of entering the industry. After all you can’t be what you can’t see!

Working with our sponsors we provide speakers from some of the UK’s biggest companies who share their experiences in assemblies and classrooms across Manchester. We work with schools to tailor content and presentations to ensure that children and young adults get the most of their experience. We also facilitate workplace visits, giving children the opportunity to gain first hand experience of life in the tech industry.


Find out more about getting involved in our school speaker programme. 

We are currently looking for a number of schools in the Greater Manchester area ready to engage students in a career in tech! Wether you are looking for speakers or workshops, email [email protected] and we will work with you to match you with speakers from our sponsors. 

At the moment we only match schools to speakers from within our sponsor’s companies. If you would like to get your company involved in our Digital & Social Inclusion, find out more about becoming a sponsor here.